
















Posted On: Friday, December 20, 2024
By: Joe Palmeri

CBAA Youth Abuse & Molestation Prevention Policy & Procedures

As a youth-serving organiza2on, Central Bucks Athletic Association (“CBAA”) considers the safety
and well being of the youth in our programs a top priority. We prohibit abuse and strive to
proac2vely address reports of this type of conduct, even if it means that someone will be
embarrassed or upset. We want to hear about problems or concerns, and we will strive to act on
them in a fair way in accordance with our policies

CLICK HERE to view the complete CBAA Youth Abuse & Molestation Prevention Policy


CBAA Concussion Policy & Protocols

A concussion is a trauma-c brain injury that interferes with normal brain function. Medically a
concussion is a complex, pathophysiological event to the brain that is induced by trauma which
may or may not involve a loss of consciousness (LOC). Concussion results in a constellation of
physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep-related symptoms. Signs or symptoms may last from
several minutes to day, weeks or even longer in some cases

CLICK HERE to view the complete CBAA Concussion Policy & Protocols


CBAA Lacrosse Refund Policy

To better serve our members and participants, CBAA Lacrosse has set the following guidelines on refunds for our programs.

  • To request a refund for a program, please email boyslax@cbaasports.org or girlslax@cbaasports.org and a decision will be made whether to move forward with the refund and how much of the cost will be refunded.

Refunds will be assessed for programs on the basis of the following;

  • ​Injury
  • Moving
  • Unforeseen scheduling conflicts

Unfortunately, refunds will not be assessed for programs due to the following;

  • Unhappy with team assignment
  • Weather cancellations
  • Request not honored

The amount of money that is refunded is contingent on how much of the season has passed as well as the reason for the refund.  A full refund is not possible once uniforms have been ordered.

Refunds that are awarded will be returned in one of three ways:

  • System credit – if the participant will be registering for another program, a credit can be placed in their CBAA lacrosse account to be used for future payments
  • Credit Card Return – if registration was paid using a credit card and refund is requested/honored within 60 days, the amount will be returned to that card account.
  • Check – This form of payment will require involvement from the CBAA bookeeper.  This process can take up to 2-3 weeks.

Refunds can only be requested by those guardians listed on the child’s account. Credit Card returns will only go back on the card originally used to pay for the program.  Checks will only be sent to the address saved to your CBAA Lacrosse account settings.

CBAA Lacrosse will not give refunds or prorated fees for missed practices or games due to a participant registering for a program late.

CBAA BOYS Lacrosse SEPYLA Territory Policy (C1 Teams & Up)

You must Live in CB EastCB West, or Palisades High School Residence Territories to participate in CBAA Lacrosse

New Hope residents are now required by SEPYLA to register with their Program. Any waivers would have to be obtained from the SEPYLA Program leadership.

Waiver Policy for Players that reside out side of the above prescriber CBAA Territories.

  • Grades 3rd thru 8th.  Waivers are not required for KG to 2nd Level.
  • All players must first Register with their Home Club
  • Proof of Registration is required before SEPYLA will consider a Waiver
  • Provide a completed SEPYLA Waiver – approved by the SEPYLA Competition Committee

Additionally, as a township program CBAA’s mission is to provide Recreational Lacrosse for its constituents and not to act a Club Lacrosse Team, players from outside of the prescribed CBAA territories will NOT be considered for CBAA 1 Level teams A1, B1, C1.  Players from outside the territory will only be eligible for 2&3 Level teams i.e. A2, A3, B2, B3, C2.



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